• § 1 Description of services

    German Wrestling Promotion e.V. is owned and operated by BoFeWo B.V. - Borgsweg 1A - 6061 AM Posterholt - Netherlands. German Wrestling Promotion e.V. operates a website where customers can buy subscriptions in order to gain access to a membership area. Within the membership area subscribers have access to videos and / or imagesets in digital format, exclusively for their personal use. In line with your membership access you are granted to watch our videos. They may not be downloaded.

  • § 2 Registration and purchasing

    1. In order to join the website and to gain access to the membership area customers must registrate. During the registration process customers have to choose a username and a password. Registration may only be accomplished via the forms provided for this purpose on the website. German Wrestling Promotion e.V. shall be authorized to refuse the selection or assignment of username and/or access password or to terminate access data without stating a reason. The right for immediate termination and prosecution due to urgent reasons shall not be thereby affected. Alternatively single updates may be purchased.
    2. By submitting their registration or by buying single updates members give their express consent to honor these Terms of Use.
    3. Payments are performed via either one of the following payment methods:
      • Cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Ether, and others)
      • Prepayment
      • SOFORT Bank Transfer
    4. In case you bought a recurring subscription you can cancel this subscription at any time by clicking on 'My subscription' in the navigation bar on the top. Here you'll find more information on how to cancel your subscription.
  • § 3 Special conditions

    1. The customer must obligate him/herself to keep access data stored confidentially. No passing on of usernames or passwords to other people is allowed.
    2. The media offered on German Wrestling Promotion e.V. are copyrighted to German Wrestling Promotion e.V. or that of the individual right owners. The media may only be used on the user's own PC. Swapping, sale or publication of the media is strictly forbidden and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
  • § 4 Refund policy

    Refunds will be handled on a case by case basis. Please contact us with the details of your request.

    If downloaded files are broken and cannot be replaced by German Wrestling Promotion e.V. the price for single downloads will be refunded.

  • § 5 Liability

    The content of our websites is checked thoroughly. Though, we cannot assume liability for completeness and accuracy. German Wrestling Promotion e.V. is excluding any liability for damages, resulting from direct or indirect use of this homepage. German Wrestling Promotion e.V. is not liable for content of external links. Liability for content of linked pages from this homepage is exclusively assumed by their respective operators.

  • § 6 Service availability

    The provider operates its services with the highest possible reliability and availability. However, the provider does not accept responsibility for these services being available non-stop, that the requested connection can be made at any time or that data will be stored under all circumstances. No right exists to regular update of online services. The websites with the offer may be temporarily inaccessible due to technical malfunctions, maintenance and force majeure without giving rise to a user claim against the provider. This applies especially to the offers of third parties integrated into the given offer which the provider cannot influence! German Wrestling Promotion e.V. cannot influence the offers of third parties. In the event that German Wrestling Promotion e.V. is forced by force majeure or official order or court ruling to stop its services in part or in full, German Wrestling Promotion e.V. shall not be liable whatsoever for any damages or collateral damages arising therefrom.

  • § 7 Assignment of use of services to third parties or minors

    The user hereby accepts full liability for all activities s/he performs on German Wrestling Promotion e.V.. In particular the user may not provide, make available or allow access to the purchased files or access data to third parties! The subscriber must use his/her best efforts to ensure that his/her purchased files or access data is not made available to third parties, even by accident, especially to minors! In this case the provider shall not be liable if services are used by minors.

  • § 8 Severability Clause

    In the event any of the provisions of these General Commercial Terms and User Conditions is or becomes legally ineffective in whole or in part or later lose effectiveness in whole or in part, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect. Lawful provisions having the closest intention from the economic perspective shall be used in place of the ineffective regulations. The same shall apply if it is shown that these General Commercial Terms and User Conditions contain omissions in the regulations. In the event of uncertainty, the parties agree that the regulation which is closest to the goal of these regulations shall be applied.

  • § 9 Jurisdiction

    Dutch law is applicable for any legal proceedings resulting from these General Commercial Terms and User Conditions.